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Analytics provide statistical information for your site. You can sync your Event Manager account with a Google Analytics account.
- To access the Analytics settings page, click on the gear icon (
- Click on Analytics under Advanced Settings.
Google Analytics Setup
There are two fields required in order to sync your Google Analytics account with Event Manager:
- Measurement ID: Google provides this code when you create an account on their service. Depending on the view of Google Analytics you use, this could also be referred to as a "Tracking ID." Enter or paste your tracking code into this box. The system will associate it with all of your calendar pages.
- Google Account ID: Each Google Analytics account will have at least one view (profile) by default. Depending on the view of Google Analytics you use, this could also be referred to as the "Account ID." The view (profile) for an Analytics Account is the gateway to the website reports. It determines which data from your site appears in the reports. Enter or paste your Profile ID into this box.
*Note: If you do not have a Google Analytics account, you can click the Setup Tracking Code link to go to Google's website.