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Public facing billboard setup
Public facing billboards allow you to display your energy data on a publicly accessible billboard. You can create and customize different billboards for Facility Groups or Subgroups within your organization. Public billboards can be embedded in other websites or shared using the Public URL. *Note: Public Facing Billboard is an add-on feature. Please contact your Sales Representative or Client Services if you are interested in purchasing this feature.
Prior to setting up the Public Facing Billboard, you will need to create each of the following:
- at least one Facility Group for a subset of facilities or for all facilities in your account
- at least one Saved Report to display on the billboard
Setting up public facing billboards
- Select System Admin from the navigation menu.
- Click Public Facing Billboard Setup.
- Select the + Add Billboard button.
General tab
Complete the fields on the General tab. *Note: Required fields are marked with asterisks (**).
- Enter a Billboard title. This is the name you would like to display at the top of your billboard.
- Enter a Billboard subtitle.
- Enter a Unique ID. This ID will define the Public URL for viewing the billboard. For example, using an ID of DUDESD, the billboard’s Public URL would be:
- If you'd like to add an image to display your branding on the dashboard, click Choose File and locate the image you'd like to use on your computer's hard drive. A preview of the image will display, showing the format of the image as it will appear on the dashboard.
Rectangular images that are 350 x 50 pixels look the best in the space given for the logo. If the image you uploaded looks stretched or skewed, the image will need to be re-sized and uploaded again.
- It is optional to complete the Welcome message, News & Info, and Contact Us sections. If you would like to hide these sections on the billboard, uncheck the corresponding boxes.
- Select a Default facility group that has been created in Energy Manager.
- You can also restrict the facilities that can be filtered on the billboard to the Default facility group by checking the Restrict facilities box.
- When multiple reports are selected, you can have the billboard automatically scroll through the reports by checking the Auto-scroll the reports box. If the box is not checked, the reports will remain static on the billboard.
- In the Auto-scroll delay (seconds) field, enter the number of seconds until the next report displays.
- Enter the number of times the scroll occurs in the Max auto-scroll count field.
- There are default Color Settings for all of the menu items displayed on the Public Facing Billboard. Select the Color drop-down menu to customize the colors to match those of your organization’s website.
Links tab
- Click the Links tab to add any website links that visitors to the billboard will find useful. These links can direct visitors to energy related sites or back to your organization's website.
- Enter the Links heading you want to display above the links section.
- Enter a Link Title, the URL address, and a short Description of the website.
- Use the Up (
) or Down (
) icons to change the order of the links.
- If you would like to hide the list of websites, uncheck the Show Links list box.
Reports tab
- Click on the Reports tab to select the saved reports you want to display on the billboard.
- Enter a Short Name for the report.
- Select a Saved Report from the drop-down menu.
- Enter a brief description of the report in the Report Comments field to give context to what the report is displaying.
- Use the Up (
) or Down (
) icons to change the order of the reports.
- Click Save.
Previewing the public facing billboard
- To preview the completed billboard, click the Preview Billboard button on the General tab.
Example billboard